jeudi 7 avril 2016

One Tap Xposed Module Lets You Download Videos From Various Applications

One Tap Video Download

When you’re on the move, Internet tends to become a privilege rather than an ubiquitous feature. Accordingly, our media consumption routine needs to adjust to account for the change in network quality and speeds. Afterall, viewing a video on a spotty connection with barely 3G speeds is a polarizing experience when compared to the comforts of often-unlimited home WiFi.

If you find yourself in such situations often and still wish to consume media on the go, take a look at One Tap Video Download Xposed Module.

As the name implies, the One Tap Video Download Module lets you download videos from various sites without going through too many hassles. The application comes to us courtesy of efforts by XDA Senior Member mr.phantom, who mentions that the module hooks into methods involving to extract video links from various applications, and works on Android 4.0+.

The base application works best with the browser application of your choice, on sites that store videos on their own servers instead of opting for community video services like YouTube. When you visit a webpage with such a video, the app/Xposed module gives you an option to download the video, or to play it using an external video playing application. The first scenario is useful when you wish to take these videos offline, while the second scenario comes into play when you do not wish to play videos from the browser but would prefer an external app.

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The main One Tap Video Download Module application does not work with Facebook and YouTube. However, if you do really wish to download videos from either of these sources, you can install the add-on modules from the same dev which enable you to download from these websites.

What’s more, the main module and the add-on module for YouTube are open source, so you can take a look yourself at how it’s done. [Sources: One Tap Video Download | One Tap YouTube Module]. I could not find source link for the Facebook module, so proceed at your own discretion.

You can download the One Tap Video Module from the Play Store. The add-on modules can be downloaded from their respective Xposed Repo pages: One Tap YouTube Module, One Tap Facebook Module. Support for all of these is provided at one single thread over at our forums.

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